

母親節卡片設計比賽 Mother’s Day Card Design Competition
比賽組別 Groups :
幼童組 Child Grade: K-2nd grade
兒童組 Child Grade: 3-5th grade
報名日期: 即日起至 5/6/2021 (逾期恕不受理 )
Entries from now till Thursday, May 6, 2021 (Late entries will not be accepted)
報名辦法 Enrollment:
1. 首先請完成你的作品並拍照,作者可以照作品不同的面(封面,内面和底面),或是呈現卡片的立體效果,最多可以上傳三張照片。
Complete your masterpiece and take photos. The author can take photos of different sides of the masterpiece (cover, inner and back), or present the three-dimensional effect of the card. Submit up to three photos.

2. 填寫網上報名表 ,並上傳你的作品
Fill out the online registration form, then upload both of your Mother’s Day card.
參賽規則 Rules :
1. 作品尺寸不拘,但最大不得超過 8.5”x 11”(letter size)。
The maximum size of the entry is 8.5”x11” (letter size).
2. 手繪或剪貼,平面或立體 3D 均可,但不接受電腦合成。
Entries can be original drawings, collage, 2D, or 3D, but computer edited entries are not allowed.
3. 作品內不得書寫標記作者姓名及任何身分資料。
Please do not write your name or make any other identifying marks on your entry.
評審方式 Judging Criteria:
An art review panel will determine all entries to select the top three in each group based on scoring standards. The result of the review is the resolution of the organizer, and no objection.
The entries will be a score with the following criteria: Creativity (50%), Skills (50%) The art work must be original. The plagiarized entry will be disquali-fied.

比賽結果 Awards and Prizes:
每組會選出三名優秀作品,在 5/9 母親節當天公佈並且頒獎,得獎小朋友可以獲得 Amazon 的禮卡一張。
1st place: $20 Amazon Gift Card
2nd place: $15 Amazon Gift Card
3rd place: $10 Amazon Gift Card
Each group will select three outstanding works, which will be announced and awarded on Mother’s Day on 5/9. The winning children will receive an Amazon gift card.

金句經文背誦比賽 Bible Verses Recitation Competition
比賽組別 Groups : 全部兒童主日學的學生參加 All Sunday school students participate the competition.
幼童組 (1) Child Grade: K-1th grade
幼童組 (2) Child Grade: 2-3rd grade

兒童組 Child Grade: 4-5th grade
比賽日期: 5/9/2021 Sunday 2:00 pm
Competition Date: 5/9/2021 Sunday 2:00 pm
比賽辦法 Enrollment:
1. 必背經句 12 句,選背經句 20 句
Must memorize 12 key bible verses, extra points 20 bible verses.
2. 全部經文資料放在 Google Drive
All of the Bible verses are here. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OSjSvkdvO_0OOpmzvn6ExQealy417vbJ?usp=sharing
3. 比賽當天參賽者需要提早 15 分鐘進入 Zoom 測試鏡頭與麥克風,確保比賽時裁判可以清楚聽到背誦。

On the day of the competition, participants need to test the camera and micro-phone 15 minutes in advance to ensure that the referee can clearly hear the recitation during the competition.
4. 參賽者必須打開鏡頭至少半身入鏡進行經文背誦,不能使用耳機或是擴設備。
Participants must open the camera and show at least half-length to recite the scriptures, and cannot use earphones or amplifiers.
5. 第一部份是背誦必背經句 12 句,每次背對一條經文得到 5 分,總分 60分。全部參賽者結束第一部份的背誦后,進入第二部份。
The first part is to memorize 12 key bible verses that must be memorized. Each time you correctly recite one verse, you will get 5 points. If you finish all of the bible verses, you will get 60 points. After all the contestants have fin-
ished the memorization of the first part, proceed to the second part.

6. 第二部份是選背經文 20 句,每背對一句得到 2 分,參賽者如果選擇放棄第二部份的比賽,分數只有第一部份的分數。
In the second part, you choose to recite 20 sentences for the extra points, and each verse correctly reciting is 2 points. If the contestant chooses to abandon the second part of the competition, the score will only be the first part.
7. 加總第一和第二部份的分數,每組有一位分數最高的參賽者勝出,如有同分情況,將以第一部份必背經文分數較高者勝出。

Sum up the scores of the first and second parts, and each group has a contest-ant with the highest score. If there is a tie, the winner will be the one with the higher score in the first part.
8. 當天舉行頒獎典禮,獲獎學生可以獲得 Amazon $35 禮卡一張。
The award ceremony will be held on the same day, and the winning students can get an Amazon $35 gift card.
9. 參加學生可以參加現場抽獎活動,就有機會獲得精美小禮物。

Participating students can participate in the on-site lottery and have the oppor-tunity to receive exquisite gifts.