3/27/2016 English Sunday Service

Chinese for Christ Church of San Jose & The Spectrum Church

Joint Worship Service

Worship Service: 10:00 –11:10 am followed by snacks in the Fellowship Hall.

Welcome & Opening Prayer – J.P. Samuel

Praise & Worship* – Alison Law & Praise Team

Sermon  “The Gospel of the Resurrection”  1 Corinthians 15:1-19 (page 1070)- JP Samuel

Communion – Congregation

Song(s) of Response* – Alison Law & Praise Team

Closing Prayer & Benediction*- Tad Cooper

* Please stand, if physically able. Also, please set your cell phones to “silent.”

^ We have Children’s Worship Service (K-5th) from 10:00-11:10 am upstairs in Room 201.

Please exit through the ‘front’ of the sanctuary at the end of service.  Thank you.

We give thanks to God for the opportunity to worship together this morning as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter Sunday! As our two churches worship together this morning, we are reminded that regardless of our culture, ethnicity, educational background, socioeconomic status – that the good news (Gospel) of Jesus unites us together as one family through His grace — and the hope we have in Him!


As a small gift for joining us this morning, please feel free to pick up a copy of any of the following books as you exit after the service:

Jesus: Who Is This Man Who Says He’s God?

– An excellent book if you’re wanting to learn more about the Christian faith or have questions about who Jesus is, what He taught and claimed to be, and why He die and resurrected.

Easter Uncut: What Really Happened and Why It Really Matters by Carl Lafferton

– This book retells,  “The story of the one of the most enthralling weeks in history, through the eyes of a man who saw it all. You’ll see not only what really happened at the first Easter, but how these events can transform your life, your hopes and your future.” Geared for students and older!

The Passion of Jesus Christ: 50 Reasons Why He Came To Die  by John Piper

– A theologically rich and devotional book which will help deepen not only your understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross but will also deepen your affections for Jesus.