12/04/2016 English Sunday Service

Chinese for Christ Church of San Jose

English Worship Service

Worship Service: 10:00 –11:10 am followed by snacks in the Fellowship Hall.

Call To Worship* – Alison Law

Praise & Worship*- Praise Team and Congregation

Welcome & Announcements – Daniel Chen

Sermon  “Growing (Outward) on Mission”  Acts 2:42-47 (page 911)- Joey Wang

Communion – Baptized Believers

Song(s) of Response* – Praise Team

Doxology (Words of Praise)*- Congregation

Prayer & Benediction (Lord’s Blessing)* – Joey Wang

Ushers Greeters – Jeff, Ruth, Judy, & Jasmine

*Please stand, if physically able. Also, please set your cell phones to “silent.”

Please exit through the ‘front’ of the sanctuary at the end of service.  Thank you.

Sermon Notes

“Growing (Inward) in Fellowship….”(Acts 2:42-47)

  1. Growing as the Church

Koinonia = “Fellowship, Communion, Participation or Sharing”

2 Things We Have Fellowship With

  1. Fellowship with Jesus (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:9, 1 John 1:3)
    1. Discipleship (Growing Upward in the Gospel)
  2. Fellowship with One Another (cf. 1 John 1:3, 7)
    1. “One Another” Verses
    2. Authenticity, Accountability, Commitment <= Love
  3. …Fueled by the Gospel…
    1. The only way in which we can love, forgive, encourage, speak truth, commit, etc. to one another is believing and keeping the Gospel (our sinfulness, God’s grace and love through Jesus) in mind and heart
  4. ….For God’s Glory (Acts 2:47)
    1. “Our primary purpose in community is not that our needs are being met, but that Jesus would be lifted up…Community is not about us; it is about God. Community is an instrument of worship, a weapon against sin, and a toll for evangelism – all for the exaltation of Jesus.  The purpose of community is to display the love of God for the world.” Mark Dever


  • How does this morning’s sermon encourage and remind you what it means to be in “fellowship”?
  • In looking at the “one another” verses, how have you (or not) experienced these? Pray that we would grow in living out these commands with one another.
  • In which of the three areas (authenticity, accountability, commitment) do you need to grow in?

Lord, may we be as a church that loves one another, encourages and builds each other up in greater love for you and others for Your glory!


  1. Advent Reading: Please make sure to pick up a free copy of “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” after the service. We will be reading daily through the 22 readings starting today and concluding on Christmas Day as a church.  Our hope is through the readings our minds and hearts would be stirred in greater awe and wonder of Jesus!
  2. Saltshakers: We will be gathering for Large Group next Saturday (12/10) from 7-9pm in the Church Sanctuary. For more information, please contact Daniel Chen (dantchen83@gmail.com)
  3. Winter Youth Retreat: Registration forms are NOW available so please do register if you are interested and planning on going. The early bird deadline is 1/8.  This year’s retreat will be on President’s Day Weekend (Fri 2/17 – Mon 2/20) at Mount Hermon.  For more information, please contact Daniel Chen (dantchen83@gmail.com).
  4. Inheritance Magazine: This month’s issue on “Borders: Stories about Silence, Exclusion, and Being Seen as ‘Other’ in America” is now available! Inheritance is a monthly magazine that focuses on how Christian faith interacts with Asian & American cultures.  (Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in Inheritance do not necessarily reflect the views & beliefs of CFCCSJ.)
  5. Pastor/Minister Severance Benevolence Fund: Based on the established policy, the severance benevolence fund for Pastor Kenny Chan is opened up for donations from the congregation for 2 months from 10/16-12/16. If you would like to give, please write checks to “CFCCSJ” and specify the donation for “Pastor/Minister Severance Benevolence Fund.”

Prayer Requests & Praises   

  1. Praise God that our Palo Alto church plant (CFCC-PA) celebrates its one-year anniversary this weekend! Praise God for providing a new facility rental as well.  Pray for Elder Steve Cheng and the core team as they continue to make disciples by spreading the Gospel in Palo Alto!
  2. Pray for our college students during these next several weeks as they prepare for finals. Pray for them to be diligent in studying and for them to be reminded of God’s faithfulness and love during this finals season.
  3. Praise God for the baptism of Albert Hong & Brian Yin from our English congregation and for Xiao-Hong Cheng, Helen Dong, Grace Pei, Cecilia Rao, Angie Guo, Lin Huang, Xuguang Li, Zhigang Wang, & Moon Sun from our Chinese congregation. Pray that they will continue to grow in God’s Word, prayer and in fellowship.
  4. Pray for CenterSet Church – a new church plant led by Pastor Ali Roohi and Clint Bartley. Pray for God’s provision for facilities and a core team – as well as open doors to share the gospel in schools, public areas and the work place.

New City Catechism (from www.newcitycatechism.com/intro.php)

We hope that this will be a tool for us to use in disciplining our children, one another and ourselves as a church community.  The New City Catechism is also available online & for your smart phones.

Question 8: What is the law of God stated in the Ten Commandments?

Answer: You shall have no other gods before me.  You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

Passage(s): Exodus 20:3, Deuteronomy 5:7